
Monday, 22 October 2012

Five Sentence Fiction - Flawed

Linking up with Lillie McFerrin for FSF

Droplet of water sparkled in the air as she combed the tangles from her hair with her fingers until a halo of curls framed her face and tumbled across her bare shoulders.

As the weak sunlight filtered through the trees  drying the moisture from her limbs a chill breeze from the past swept across her and she shivered.

Rising slowly she stood tall and proud and, snatching up a mantle of self respect, she threw it about her shoulders, clothing her nakedness with renewed resolve and self belief.

With each step she took along the path to the future colour seeped back into her skin and her life giving her the strength to place one foot in front of the other.

One day she would soar high above the path again, colours radiant, the flaws that kept her earthbound were a part of her beauty but they would no longer have the power to keep her tethered to the past.


Andrew Swingler said...

I really enjoyed this piece. My favorite phrase: "snatching up a mantle of self respect, she threw it about her shoulders, clothing her nakedness with renewed resolve and self belief.". Lovely.

Lisa Shambrook said...

This really feels like it links up with last weeks, again some beautiful words, and I liked the same phrase as Andrew did most, really evocative!

C.C. said...

I love the way this flowed. What an intriguing woman! Nicely done.

Pearl said...

Lovely post!
