"What a curious, pretty thing this is"
Standing at the bar with one foot resting on the brass rail that ran around the bottom, her head buzzed with alcohol.
Her hair dropping slightly in the heat gave her a halo of ringlets and wayward curls that tumbled over her shoulders. She held them away from her damp neck with one hand, the other clutching the money for the drink she so desperately needed to quench her thirst.
Despite her dry throat she stood with her eyes closed, lost in the music, swaying slightly to the beat while all around her drinks were being passed back and forth across the polished wood.
The brief touch on her wrist jerked her out of her reverie. Opening her eyes she saw the woman she had noticed earlier standing in front of her.
A woman who stood out from the crowd. A little older than most but with a timeless beauty that caught the eye and held it captive. Elegant and perfectly groomed. She didn’t belong in this crush. The loud rock music was surely an affront to those ears with the tiny diamond and pearl studs and yet, she had stayed...
“It was a present” she replied almost defensively, covering the bangle with her other hand, holding it close to her body, feeling the smooth, cool, turquoise stone under her fingers.
The woman's eyes softened with an emotion she didn't understand.
“I know” she thought she heard her say as she lightly brushed her shoulder with her hand and walked away towards the door and out into the night.
I'm dying to know what the mystery around the bracelete is!
I can't seem to stop writing about this Naomi. There's a part 3 waiting to be posted and a part 4 in my head :) Not sure that Gill wants me filling up her blog with chapter after chapter though so may be I should just ink back and if anyone wants to know more they can :)
This is really captivating! More please =)
Thank you BCP - I read yours and tried to comment but kept getting thrown out! I shall try again later. Ok, part 3 coming up :)
I love that this story is in your head, Sarah, waiting to get out. I was pleased to see our rock chick reappear. And I like how you are using the bracelet to create a bit of mystery. Feel free to link them up. I want this group to be as open as possible and if everyone starts writing lots of posts, we can think of another way of linking them, but for now, feel free to link them to Ink Paper Pen. Have you checked out Jodi at Mummy Mayhem? She has created an extra page for her Write On Wednesday ongoing story. Perhaps you might consider doing the same?
Great work
I'll check out Jodies page Gill, it's a good idea. x
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