Have you missed me?
Have you ... have you ... have you ...
Go on, make my day and say that you have!
Blimey it's been busy around here!
Miss mac has now finished her GCSE's thank god but we don't seem to have paused for breath since then.
There have been concerts and festivals and working on the van and the beach buggy and it's just been non stop so apologies for not doing much (or any) reading and commenting but hopefully things will clam down soon!
Last weekend was great. SD and I went to Volksfest a VW festival (name's a bit of a giveaway ...) and had such a chilled and relaxed weekend.
Before we got there we spent the morning at Castle Combe racecourse a car and bike circuit for their annual Action day a chance to see all kinds of bikes and cars such a cool way to spend a few hours and if I wasn't so lazy I'd upload a few pics for you but I am, so i haven't ... Maybe in my next post ...
Then it was on to Bristol to join up with about 12000 other people for fun, sun, cars, urban art, off road madness, fire eaters, music, food and of course beer.
It was hectic, it was exhausting, it was SO much fun and when I woke up on Monday morning I realised the folly of not applying sunblock as I still looked like I was wearing sunglasses!
Our main focus over the next couple of weeks will be Miss Mac's prom.
we already have the dress and have found the perfect bag to go with it. All we need now is shoes ...
There ARE no shoes in this town! - Well, not any that are right anyway so we will have to look further afield ...
Her transport is sorted and she will be arriving in this:
It's known as the denim van and the interior is upholstered with cut up jeans. |
I'm not sure that she (or her friends who are going with her) fully appreciate how lucky they are that SD has such great connections.
This bus is worth a fortune! Seriously, I know it looks like a heap of shit but it's a really well known van and has featured in many magazines and calendars so it's very well known and Paul, the guy who owns it is a friend of SD and is letting us have it for nothing (we will obviously fill it up for him).
It's been seriously lowered and is also on hydraulics so they will arrive scraping the ground with sparks flying - nothing like making an entrance.
SD really DOES have the best friends - they guy who owns it is away that weekend so he is letting another friend of ours drive it on the night and he has agreed to dress up hippy style. In addition to that we are getting together a few other people to dress up as hippies to meet them there and walk them in - I'd really love to do some kind of flash dance (can you tell I'm embracing this whole thing ...) and, although I don't think it's going to be possible to rehearse anything I do plan for us to have some Creedence Clearwater or The Travelling Wilburys or maybe even a bit of Loving Spoonful blaring out and we'll just wing it (of COURSE I'm dressing up to!!!).
Oh, and talking of dressing up - my Xena Warrior Princess costume has arrived - it's a bit short ...