It's no secret that I like Birthdays. My own, the children's, the dogs, yours, anyone's really. I get just the tiniest bit over excited, always have and I like to make a big fuss, cakes, presents, special meals, trips out, evenings out, the whole works.
On Friday it was my birthday eve and yes, I DO have a birthday eve, birthdays aren't just for ... ummm, BIRTHDAYS you know ...
I started the day all excited, Miss Mac had an inset day, SD had a half day and I just had to work for a few hours in the morning so there was bound to be all manner of exciting things in store for me.
I took cakes into work:
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I need to work on my piping skills a little ;-) |
Then back home to commence celebrations!!!
For some peculiar reason no one seemed quite as excited as me. Miss Mac was still in PJ's, SD came round with a list of jobs that needed doing, even Gus was curled up asleep in his basket.
I was a little miffed .... Or, as SD put it, like a petulant 4 year old as I first moped a little, then got huffy (might have said something like, 'lets just CANCEL my birthday eve then shall we!!!') then he said I got over tired went to sleep ...
Anyway, I was slightly mollified by a beautiful bouquet of flowers and the promise of lots of exciting stuff to do on my birthday and my birthday boxing day - Having a birthday at the weekend is SOOOO good don't you think?
Miss Mac cooked me breakfast on the actual day, I got loads of great presents including chocolate, wine, clothes, money, bath stuff, more wine, more chocolate and, the icing on the cake that I had yet to make, tickets to see The Stranglers in a couple of weeks - Excited? Much?? Me???
It was such a beautiful day weather wise, after a lazy morning and a tea and cake stop with my lovely neighbour (more wine and a lovely handmade card) I cycled out to the farm to meet SD and spent several happy hours lazing in the garden in the sun eating cream cakes.
In the evening we met up with some friends and went to see a band. I was really happy that Snappa, one of my favourite local bands (listen to them here) were playing at one of my favourite pubs 5 minutes from my house.
Being that it's an Irish pub, we'd had a day of Rugby and it's St Patricks day today, the place was HEAVING.
The band were in great form, loads of friends were out and the atmosphere was electric.
SD and I love to dance and despite the crush we bopped away, hair tossing (mine and his) until the early hours. In fact, an hour past the time that the band were supposed to stop as Mary, the landlady who is very Irish refused to let them go:
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This is Mary dancing on the tabletop at about 12:30am |
I may have got a little drunk courtesy of the shots that someone kept buying me and I might have given into the temptation to tidy up the drummers hair a little (there's nothing worse than an unkempt drummer don't you think??) and I might have made a new best friend only I cant remember her name ...
I woke up early on my birthday boxing day remembering that Big D and the lovely L were going to be popping round for cake (which I hadn't yet made!) and to deliver yet more presents as they had been busy the day before. I realised that I might be slightly hungover when I stared for a while in confusion at the electric mixer as I tried to insert the beaters before realising that I was in fact holding the iron! (when the hell did I get an iron??)
I enquires after their trip to Plymouth to see friends. Big D mumbled something. 'What was that?' I asked. He mumbled again looking sheepish.
'Took the ferry across the Tamar 8 times' he confessed, didn't see much else ....
Since the plan had been to meet the lovely L's brother on the far side and spend the day with them I was slightly confused.
It turns out that he had somehow managed to lock his keys in the car which was parked in the middle of the ferry and despite the best attempts of some firemen who happened to be aboard no one could break into it. Whilst the lovely L went off for a day out my poor Big D travelled back and forth across the Tamar apologising profusely to everyone who had to navigate his parked car 8 times until eventually the AA turned up at one side or the other to get the damned thing open.
See, I TOLD you that those damned 'things' don't just happen to me! - they apparently happen to my children too.
Having brightened my day no end Big D and the lovely L went off and we headed to the seaside (where else? I mean, it WAS my birthday weekend after all!).
I chose West Bay for the lovely harbour, the eclectic shops, the great seafront stalls with freshly caught fish and chips and good coffee.
It was the perfect way to spend my birthday weekend
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It was even warm enough to wear shorts! (the slightly frowny look is due to the sun rather than any lingering huffiness). |
It was the best birthday and I am indeed blessed :-)
I don't get the birthday thing, I often forget when it is my birthday. I think it is a lady thing, maybe when you are responsible for birth the birthday becomes a big deal.
Birthday Eve? Mrs. C and my step-crank claim Birthday Week!
I put my foot down on Birthday Month.
And belated happy birthday wishes to you!
SD doesn't really get the birthday thing either Joe but I'm teaching him! I've tried Birthday week and much as I like it I do find other people struggle so I've settled for 3 days.
Thank you very much Brighton Pensioner - I shall consider it extended rather than belated.
Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!! <3
Thanks lovely x
Happy belated birthday Sarah! Your piping skills look mighty fine to me. Check you out in those shorts. Great legs!
It's so nice to hear people who ENJOY their birthdays rather than grumble about age. xx
Hello, my love. I am back. And just in time to say happy late birthday!!!! But since we are so backward here downunder, I think it is still your birthday :) love love love xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you Emma, so good to actually be able to wear shorts at last even if it was only for one day, back to cold and windy again :-( . I gave up grumbling about my age after I spent 3 weeks banging on about dreading 30 and someone told me I was boring them :-)
Sal!! How lovely to see you!! I hope you are back properly, would love to hear how you are getting on xxxxx
Love a band that just keeps in playing. I wish more people were like you, then people wouldn't laugh when I suggest a birthday week!
I see nothing wrong in a birthday week Annaleis, I have managed to stretch mine out for 5 days in the past, I'm not sure why some people don't seem to share my enthusiasm ... The band were amazing, I could have carried on dancing for hours (or until I fell over).
Bugger the Birthday Week concept, I'm going for Birthday MONTH! Love the post! Kim
Happy birthday to you chick all be it belated. I say milk a birthday for all its worth, although my sons is a few days before mine so we are usually milked dry by the time my day comes around. If it falls on a weekend then I claim the whole weekend and this year it is on the Queens Birthday public holiday and so I am claiming 3 days too ;) xx
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