I was writing a post the other day and it just DISAPPEARED!!
Has that ever happened to you?
I bashed a few keys, hit the back button and eventually saved, closed and reopened it because SURELY blogger would have saved a draft of it wouldn't it?
It was a really GOOD post too telling you all about SD's dating past.
About the time he set fire to his face the night before a first date.
About how he followed a girl around Newquay because she was dressed like Beetlejuice and he thought it was SUCH a cool look (I KNOW, slightly questionable!) but how the next morning he was very disappointed to discover that in the cold light of day she looked more like Michael Keaton ...
About the time he and a friend (chasing some girl no doubt) ended up in a marquee in a field in the middle of the Somerset Levels dressed in their usual weekend gear of skin tight leather trousers with zips and chains hanging down to their knees, eyeliner and 2ft high mohawks surrounded by a load of Young Farmers dressed in tweeds and wellies who were not at all pleased to see these two freaks dancing with their girls and how they spent the entire evening dancing to Soft Cell (image here of a terrified SD and friend, hands clasped in supplication, hip shimmying and singing 'I'm sorry I don't praaaay that way') in the middle of a circle of girls while the young farmers formed an arms crossed barricade between them and the exit and how they narrowly avoided the chairs thrown at them as they bolted, chains dangling across a cow shit strew meadow.
Or the time that (with another very tall friend) they ended up in the roughest pub in town with a load of Marines who were out on a a 3 legged pub crawl and they had to play along and tie the laces of their 16 hole Docs together and stand back to back for the whole night (The Marine loved and hated SD in equal measures with his long flowing blond locks and pretty boy looks, Taunton wasn't a particularly safe place for him to be out in dressed in his Post Punk phase in the 80's!).
But anyway, that post is GONE!
FB a wonderfully diverse place isn't it?
As you know, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with it. Yesterday morning I deplored the trolling I saw on a buy and sell page but then last night my lovely friend M posted a photo of her central heating timer.
I KNOW RIGHT - how very bloody .... Ummm ... Obscure???
Even more obscure was when other people also started commenting on the post and adding THEIR photos of central heating timers ...
WTF ...?
I couldn't let it pass.
I posted my OWN photo of MY central heating:
![]() |
and here it is! |
One of her friends replied, 'Ditto'! And I confessed that they weren't even MY socks, I'd STOLEN them (but of course, that won't surprise YOU). So she posted a photo of HER socks and they didn't even match.
Then I spotted that she had a pink plate with cupcakes on next to her feet on the coffee table and I said that I had some plates with cupcakes on too and she wanted to see them.
M at this point tried to get in on her own post (bloody cheek) by saying 'I have such classy friends' - I'm fairly sure she was referring to the other Sarah - I KNOW, she was called SARAH TOO - we are like TWINS or something!!
I have SO MANY twins it's unreal - just yesterday Dave did one of those FB quiz things so I did it too (thought of you BP!), it was, 'what word best describes you?' and he got Compassionate and I got it TOO!
Anyway, I digress ...
I went off to get the plates to photograph but I couldn't find them, I did wonder if I'd lost them, or broken them, or if in fact i was SO desperate to be Sarah's twin that I'd actually made them up and never had them in the first place!
But then I found them in the sink so that was ok ...
I gave one a quick lick and posted the photo, Sarah was VERY impressed but then she started listing all the other things she has with cupcakes on. Mugs, necklace, earrings, bicycle basket, PJ's, table cloth ... And I started to wonder if we were actually twins after all - I'm not sure I've ever shown that level of commitment to ANYTHING! But then she confirmed she turned 18 a zillion years ago and 'ditto' SO DID I so I guess we ARE twins after all!
To placate M I did offer to take a photo of my heating timer at this point if she didn't mind waiting while I cleaned it and if she could ask her friends to ignore the bit where I melted the bottom with the toaster but I think she'd started ignoring me at that point ...
I offered to take a photo of my hairbrush (although on closer inspection THAT needed a clean too and then I REMEMBERED!!
So I posted a photo of the stuff that fell out of it ...
They were VERY impressed, I think it even surpassed M's best guess of what I might have found, no kittens or small children in THERE M!
Sarah wondered what we could photograph for M next - I wasn't sure that my hairbrush would be ready in time although I'd spent a while manically picking bits of fluff out of it. I was slightly hyped up due to the fact that I'd run out of milk so I'd unearthed some disgusting instant cappuccino from the back of the cupboard and drunk four of them but then Sarah remembered that she was supposed to be marking some essays and really should do some work so I resumed my fluff picking while wondering if I too should have been a teacher and if I were being selfish in keeping all this wisdom to myself ...
There's something quite bonkers about some of your posts - a sort of 'stream of consciousness' thing. I enjoy them very much indeed...
I tend to describe it as the spaghetti in my head splatting right onto the page Mike (but you put it so much more eloquently) - I'm glad you enjoy them.
Fluff and crumbs indeed - I love it!
Thanks Kirsty :-)
Could you and your friends and family start going about your day with gopros on, this stuff should be bottled, love it!!
I KNOW Ann, they are all barking mad aren't they - I used to think it was me but it's definitely THEM!
I hate it when you lose a post that you've written. It's happened on more than one occasion to me. It's also super frustrating when you have this brilliant idea as you're falling asleep, and you think, I should get up and write this down, but then you're all naaa, I'll remember this for sure because it's gold, and then morning comes and of course it's gone! In fact, the same thing happens to me in the shower too! Some of my best posts will never see the outside of my head sadly, and I'm sure the human race is poorer for it!
And you've reminded me, I really need to clean out my toaster. I have a feeling there may actually be a small child in there, but I've been too scared to look!
Man you are hilarious! I have been sitting her staring at my screen trying to think of something funny enough to grace your comments section and nope, I'm all out.
Thanks for linking up with us at The Lounge!
Sometimes I send myself texts Kylie - they say things like, Heritage pudding basin and dirt bag and what's goose for the cat is fat for the gander - they are SUPPOSED to be prompts for really great posts but when I re-read them I've got NO idea what I was on about!
I discovered my toaster actually has little drawers in the base that catch the crumbs - who knew!!
Ha ha - thanks Tegan (but it's honestly more them not me ;-) - I get stumped with clever posts, sometimes I really want to say something intelligent but I've got nothing ...
I have t tell you I laughed the whole through this post - I was baffled and I loved it because your utter randomness made my day! :)
Thank you Sonia, so glad I made your day! :-)
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