
Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Simple Pleasures

Day 8 NaBloPoMo

I had an idea yesterday of what I was going to write today ...

Buggered if I can remember what it was though ...

So instead I thought I'd share a little thought with you ...

Now, that WAS going to be your lot for the day until I read THIS  post written by one of my favorite bloggers. It seems to fit pretty well with the cartoon above soooo ...

I've decided to conduct a social experiment on Facebook for the rest of the week following the theory.

Now most of my FB friends don't follow my blog as far as I'm aware.  In fact, most of them probably don't know it exists so I'm going to be as inventive as possible and see what happens.

Those of you who are also on my friends list, SHHHH!!! Don't tell anyone :)

Check back in on Friday to see how many FB friends I have left (and if it's just you and me Romina I promise not to resort to calling your beautiful babies ugly;)


Sarah said...

Friends count as of now: 83

Rollercoaster Mum said...

haha! Looking forward to seeing what happens at the end of the week - will I be LMFAO?! - should I add a x x or a LOL! here?

Emma @ Mummy Musings said...

Oh, do keep us updated! This is brilliant :-)

Nikki - A Mother in France said...

Excellent. Perhaps I should add this to my 30 steps - Don't insult people unless you add a xx or lol! lol xx
Looking forward to the results - much more entertaining than x factor!

Sarah said...

Well, so far I have managed one 'chauvinist xx' and called one of my best friends a 'lazy arse lol'

Fb seems to be filled with pics of cute babies and a funeral announcement so far today!

My FB friends are failing me lol

The Rambling Pages said...

Laughed out loud at that cartoon!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see what happens lol

Sarah said...

It's great isn't it RP (and well worth considering;)

Me either CJL :)

pam said...

Not sure I know what's going on here -been out of things for a while again!

But can I just ask... were reports of a feckin' dead hamster unfounded?

PP xx

The barefoot lifting witch said...

Haha!! Oh my goodness you gave me the laugh I needed today. I shall refrain from posting any pics of my babies for a while ;-)

The barefoot lifting witch said...

Speaking of funerals, my hubby accidently emailed some info to a friend on fb (thanks to autocorrect) "She lost her fight today and died :-)" Oh my goodness the horror in his face after he had hit send and realised that he had sent that news with a smiley face. Pretty funny though.

Catherine said...

How's the experiment going now, Sarah? Having just gone through a huge debacle of putting my personal opinion of someone in my blog w/o naming them and having them read it, I'm not going to try it but I think the cartoon is hilarious.