
Tuesday, 25 October 2011

WoW - 'I thought I saw'

Write On Wednesdays

Write On Wednesdays Exercise 20 Write the words " I thought I saw" at the top of your page. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Write the first words that come into your head after the prompt. Don't take you pen off the page (or fingers off the keyboard). Stop only when the buzzer rings! Do this exercise over and over if you wish. Write beyond 5 minutes if you like, you can link it up as an extra post.

I wrote a post earlier in the week for WoW but somehow it became corrupt so I removed the link.

Rather than re-write it I decided to do a totally different post (thank you to all who commented on the original, the comments were very much appreciated).

Ok, this is a little bit different and a little bit crude but it's designed to amuse rather than offend so hopefully that's what it will do.

If you have read this you will know that I played Bingo on Saturday night and no further explanation is needed.

Bingo Boobs

I thought I saw her bingo book
Lurking under there,
I didn't really like to look
It seemed so rude to stare.

Her chest was like a giant pillow
With room for several heads,
Across the table it seemed to billow
Enough for at LEAST two beds.

Where was that book? it was a farce
I felt I ought to say,
I just thank god it wasn't under her arse
Or we'd  have been there half the day!

I'd umm'd and ahh'd (and gestured too!)
And pointed at her bits,
So I shouted out (what else could I do?)



AGuidingLife said...


Sarah said...

Nice meter and rhyme or, 'nice', that's extremely vulgar ...

It is in fact, I will admit, extremely vulgar K which seems to be the way my poetry muse takes me ...

Fortunately I'm not often inspired to write it these days :)

The barefoot lifting witch said...

Lol!! Haha that just made my day

B said...

Har - har - hardeee har!

You are a funny poppet! Great take on the prompt!

Unknown said...

Thanks for giving today's giggle. That was very inventive.

Kirsty @ Bowerbird Blue said...

Another poem about birds, shame I wasn't describing a tit at my window! Would have been real parallels. I am so impressed by big boobs!

Sarah said...

Seeing you were back made mine Romina!

Thanks B x

Thanks Melissa, glad it made you giggle :)

Ha ha, that made me laugh Kirsty - I think your's was a class whilst mine was farce (god, I need to cut back on the voddy;) Big boobs was very impressive - I shall try and get a photo next time!

Life In A Pink Fibro said...

LOL. Could see the whole thing...

Jaimee Hunter said...

I needed that laugh...thank you!

Kerry said...

Ahahaha! Thanks for bringing the comedy this week!

TV said...

haha that was pretty brilliant. I love awkward and ridiculously funny moments. ^^

Naomi said...

I loved it... sometimes we all ned a laugh and a bit of crudeness!

I could see it playing out in my mind too, well done!

Jay said...

Hahaha!! You're a nut. This was SO good.

You are the Pam Ayres of WoW ;)

Sarah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
spring days, new growth said...

that's hilarious!
Love the rhythm, very well done.
I feel the field has been opened for ALL styles of writing now!

Kimberlee said...

Haha. That reminds me of a comedienne I heard who talked about losing the little hotel soaps under hers. :D

Sarah said...

Thanks everyone, glad it made you smile :)

I got really stuck this week with the prompt and a little bit of silliness seemed the way to go!

Janelle said...

OHohohoho, you're funny
Sarah. Gosh, it's been a while since I went to bingo! I actually really enjoy it, maybe I should go again soon. Nice piece!

spring days, new growth said...

I'm still giggling about this one, so took the liberty of nominating you for a versatile bloggers award. Yes, I know you already have one, but I thought you deserved another (though don't feel you should follow the rules again!)

InkPaperPen said...

I didn't think it was vulgar. I thought it was funny! Made me laugh, love the closing paragraph. Writing is supposed to be about fun too! And so is reading.

Love the original take on the prompt!

Sorry I am soooo late getting to you post!

Sarah said...

Thanks Gill and no worries - it must be almost a full time job and now you have THIS weeks to go through too! x